Dr. Vincent GOFFIN is the Head of the “PRL/GH Pathophysiology: Translational Approaches” laboratory, which is part of INSERM Unit 1151/Institut Necker Enfants Malades (INEM) located on the Necker Campus at Paris (France). This laboratory aims to identify, understand, predict and target cellular and molecular mechanisms responsible for the initiation, progression and/or resistance to treatment of benign and malignant tumors affecting the breast and the prostate. This lab is specialized in translational studies that over the years have included the use and analyses
The CREFRE, Regional Center of Functional Exploration and Experimental Resources, (based in Toulouse, France) is a mixed unit Inserm/Paul Sabatier University endowed with highly sophisticated equipment, included animal breeding. CREFRE is specialized in the production of Genetically Modified Animals, the pathophysiological exploration of transgenic animal models (mice, rats and zebrafish) and the phenotyping. The laboratory, based in the IUCT Oncopole, has centralized services for transgenesis, cryopreservation and decontamination, but also non-invasive exploration, and experimental animal breeding. The Regional Center